Life Skills for Cooking 6th Grade Beef Soup

On January 25, 2024, the 6th grade students of Aknuwat Hun Sen Primary School cooked the soup under the guidance of Mr. Kong Navin, the 6th grade teacher. The new generation of schools not only teaches students to be knowledgeable, but also teaches them to be knowledgeable.

Activities before cooking

The teacher divided the students into 4 groups, each group had to cook the same soup, and the teacher gave the students only 20,000 Riels per group to control the cost of this dish. Students then begin to make the following plans:

  • Beef (2 bites) x 3,500 R = 7,000 R
  • Hit device = R1,000
  • Red pepper = R500
  • Ripe tamarind = R1,000
  • 2 pieces of prawns x 1,000 R = 2,000 R
  • Laughing orange leaves = R500
  • Prahok = R1,000
  • Fish sauce = R3,500
  • Salt = R500
  • Soup powder = R500
  • Sugar = R500
  • Coconut paste = R1,000
  • Identify marketers.
  • Other students in the group prepare bowls, pots, pans, knives, baskets, gas stoves, etc. (school supplies).

After the students prepared the plan, the teacher in charge of the class led the students to Boeung Kok Market, which is about 200 meters from the school by his own car.

Activities during cooking

After the students finished shopping, the students returned to class to help clean the vegetables, meat and vegetables to prepare for cooking. Fifteen minutes later, the students in each group cooked a delicious soup for a year, which came from working together in solidarity and planning.

Activities after cooking

After cooking, the students brought the soup to the committee as teachers in the school, where the students came to serve as the food tasting committee to score. After the eight judges tasted the students’ work, the judges praised the students for being so good that only the sixth graders were able to cook such delicious soups and get along so well. With two judges discussing each one.

Skills associated with daily life

After completing this lesson, students will have the skills, knowledge and skills, and students will take this dish to cook at home for the family with joy and happiness in the family.


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