Activities for parents of students at all levels of Hun Sen Primary School

New Generation School is a school that has more parental support than regular schools because this new generation school program offers services such as

  • Computer room for students.
  • Tablet available for students.
  • The teacher has a computer.
  • The teaching process has slides as an aid.
  • Rich material.
  • There are 8 study clubs.
  • Have life skills such as growing crops, cooking, making desserts.
  • Foreign teachers volunteer to teach 3rd to 6th grade students.
  • Students can make presentations through slide shows.
  • Students study all day.
  • Provide daily homework.
  • Monitor student learning regularly with student parents.
  • Limit the maximum number of students to 36.
  • Students compete in various programs.
  • There are pedagogical advisors to help teach techniques to teachers.
  • There is a doctor on duty at the school.
  • There is water and electricity.
  • The school environment is clean, tidy and spacious.

The provision of these services makes students quick to understand, easy to grasp the content of the lesson and want to remember for a long time, on the other hand, students enjoy learning to make the end of the year to get good results. Without parental support, the school would not be able to provide such good education. That is why the school management has invited parents of students to meet to discuss their children’s education, to promote discipline in the school by the teacher, the children’s council, the school’s income and expenses. The meeting was held for 4 sessions with the participation of 75% of parents:

  • Level 1 in the morning of January 19, 2024
  • Level 2 in the morning of January 22, 2024
  • Level 3 in the morning of January 27, 2024
  • Grade 4 in the morning of January 28, 2024
  • Level 5 and 6 in the morning of February 1, 2024

At the meeting, there were also opinions of parents appreciating the services of the school and parents that will continue to support the school.



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