Congratulations on the Groundbreaking Ceremony for Funan Techo Canal

Congratulations on the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of Funan Techo canal on Monday, August 1, 2024.

Extracurricular Games

Outdoor learning game under the shade of a cold tree for students to know the number of grade 1 b taught by teacher Ly Vannida. The students are happy, playful and know the cool atmosphere, the wind makes the students want to study.

2nd graders stick pictures from buttons

2nd graders' activities to put pictures on the buttons of the shirt, aiming for students to cooperate, be careful and be creative. Directed by Mang Chanseang Mey

Life skills to clean socks of 1st grade students

Life skills activities to clean socks of 1st graders a. Students learned how to clean when they returned home, they learned to clean their socks, ties, and clothes on their own. Directed by: Teacher Sorn Soklay  

Learn about electrical lessons

Grade 5 students learn about electrical lessons. Students can light a lamp in every group, they work together to express ideas to each other to make their work successful. Directed by: Teacher Seng Sopha